Hygge Heavens Hat

You can find this pattern on Ravelry as well!

I was browsing Walmart on the hunt for more clearance yarn and I came across the new Red Heart Hygge yarn. I couldn’t help but touch the fuzziness and squishiness. I just had to have a ball of it. When I got it home, I knew it would make a perfect hat!


132 yards of Bulky (5) yarn. I used Red Heart Hygge in Sterling

6.00 mm(J) hook I used my Furls Streamline Hook

Yarn Needle 


Stitches and abbreviations

Ch: Chain

HDC: Half-Double Crochet

DC: Double Crochet

BLO: Back loop only. Tutorial on how to do that here

FPDC: Front Post Double Crochet.

Skill level: 

Moderately easy. 


Start out by making a magic circle. (video here)

Row 1: Ch 2, DC 8 times into the magic circle. Close and join to first stitch with a sl st.

Row 2: Ch 2, DC 2 times into each stitch around. Join the first stitch with a sl st

Row 3:Ch 2, *DC 2 times into the first stitch. DC 1x in the next stitch*. Repeat around the circle. Join the first stitch with a sl st

Row 4:Ch 2, *DC 2 times into the first stitch. DC 1x in the next 2 stitches*. Repeat around the circle. Join the first stitch with a sl st

Row 5:Ch 2, *DC 2 times into the first stitch. DC 1x in the next 3 stitches*. Repeat around the circle. Join the first stitch with a sl st

Your hat should measure about 7 inches across at this point. Feel free to increase more or take out an increase row to change the size of your hat. 

Row 6:Ch 2, DC 1x in each stitch around. Join the first stitch with a sl st

Row 7: Ch 2, HDC 1x in each stitch around. Join the first stitch with a sl st.

Row 8: Ch 2, HDC BLO 1x in each stitch around. Join the first stitch with a sl st. 

Row 9: Repeat Row 8

Row 10: Ch 2, DC BLO 1x in each stitch around. Join the first stitch with a sl st

Row 11: Ch 2, FPDC 1x around each stitch. Join the first stitch with a sl st

Row 12: Ch 2, HDC 1x in each stitch around. Join the first stitch with a sl st.

Row 13: Ch 2, HDC BLO 1x in each stitch around. Join the first stitch with a sl st.

Row 14: Repeat row 13

Row 15: Ch 2, DC BLO 1x in each stitch around. Join the first stitch with a sl st

If you want your hat longer, continue to repeat row 15 until the desired length. 

There you have it! Cut your yarn and weave in your ends. Add a fun faux fur pom pom for extra fuzziness!

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